Ch Neut Ch Ellagant All The Right Moves CCD RE TK.S




DOB: 07/04/2013

CEA: DNA Carrier
HC: DNA Clear
MDR1: DNA Carrier
HIPS: 0:0

Whisper is our latest addition from Ellagant kennels. She comes to us with all the attributes we have been looking for in a performance girl. She is very athletic with boundless energy and loves to learn. As she matures we have been very pleased with all that she is showing us, her ability to pick up new behaviours quickly, her eagerness to please and her unique way of responding to people of all ages appropriately. Whisper is very gentle with children and puppies.

Whisper attained her Rally Novice title late 2014, her Conformation Champion, Rally Advance & Rally Excellent title in 2015 and is now working on adding more performance titles to her name. We look forward to a successful performance career with her and she is a valued addition to our breeding program.


Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
Ch Sarasota Urban Legend HT
(Black Tri)
Ch Hotlee Inth Heath Othnite (IID)
(Blue Merle)
Meshlacons Sharp Dressed Man (USA)
(Black Tri)
Ch Meshlacons Sparkl’n Side Her (Imp USA)
(Blue Merle)
Ch Tillsun Unlock The Magic
(Red Merle)
Ch Hatcreek’s Hitch’naridetooz (Imp USA)
(Blue Merle)
Ch Sasin Yankees Flare
(Red Tri)
Ch Blueambles Hells Angel
(Blue Merle)
Sup Ch Ellagant Rhythm N Blue PT
(Blue Merle)
Ch Tajwen Devine Indulgence CD
(Black Tri)
Ch Bellamarnie All Reved Up
(Blue Merle)
Ch Dykinta Bohemian Rapsody
(Black Tri)
 Ch Sugargum Star Trekker
(Blue Merle)
Am Ch Grant Ch Sugargum Top Shelf
(Blue Merle)